getting along 意味

発音を聞く:   getting alongの例文
  • getting along


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. now , then . are you getting along with my daughter ?
    娘とは 仲良くやってくれてるかい
  2. odd to see the two of you are getting along again .
    嬉しいわ お二人がまた仲良くなって
  3. why ? it seems like you're getting along well .
    どうして? 仲良く やってるみたいじゃない。
  4. those two countries aren't getting along these days .
    近頃 2カ国間関係は芳しくなく
  5. wanted to see how you were getting along , you know ?


        art of getting along with people:    処世術{しょせいじゅつ}◆【同】social politics
        getting along well these days:    《be ~》このところ元気{げんき}で暮らしている
        getting along well with:    getting along well with 仲良く なかよく
        secret of getting along with:    (人)とうまくやっていくこつを知っている
        tips on getting along with others:    他人{たにん}との上手な付き合い方のヒント
        getting along together very nicely:    《be ~》お互い気持ち良く暮らす
        good at getting along with people of other cultures:    《be ~》異文化{いぶんか}との付き合い方が上手である
        getting:    《be ~》~になってくる、どんどん~になる I'm getting tired. 疲れてきた。 I'm getting sleepy. 眠くなってきた。 I'm getting hungry. おなかが減ってきた。
        getting on:    《be ~》年を取っていく
        getting on for:     gétting on fór ((略式))ほとんど,ほぼ(nearly).
        getting there:    《be ~》(ある特定{とくてい}の場所{ばしょ}?目標{もくひょう})に向かって着々{ちゃくちゃく}と進んでいる He wasn't fat yet, but he was getting there. 彼はまだ肥満というほどではなかったけれど、確実に近づいていたね。 It's not perfect but we're getting there. まあ、完ぺきとは言えないけど、目標に向か
        along:     along adv., prep. (…に)沿って; 一緒に; 前方に. 【副詞】 It was your doing all along, wasn't it? 最初から君のしわざだったんだな He intended to deceive me all along. 初めから私をだまそうとしていたのだ Cars are backed up all alo
        along of:    ~によって、~のせいで、~のために
        along there:    あの方向に
        along with:    along with 共に ともに


  1. "getting a new house is a complicated business" 意味
  2. "getting a new passport is a protracted business" 意味
  3. "getting a reply from that office is like getting blood out of a stone" 意味
  4. "getting a tenured position at an american university is as easy as towing icebergs to the middle east" 意味
  5. "getting agreement between the warring factions will not be easy" 意味
  6. "getting along together very nicely" 意味
  7. "getting along well these days" 意味
  8. "getting along well with" 意味
  9. "getting an advance" 意味
  10. "getting a tenured position at an american university is as easy as towing icebergs to the middle east" 意味
  11. "getting agreement between the warring factions will not be easy" 意味
  12. "getting along together very nicely" 意味
  13. "getting along well these days" 意味

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